IT’S CHRIIIIIISTMAAAAS! Everybody has a bit of lie in then we tidy up a little and Margaret and Les start the breakfast production line.
Meantime, I’ve got the turkey out the fridge and the smoker prepped and ready to go. Not sure how long this thing’s gonna take but I’m guessing five or six hours. It’s almost 11am when the turkey goes in the pit.
After breakfast and another tidy up it’s present time. Freya had her Santa sack when she woke up at 6am and the rest of us were still in the land of nod.
There’s the usual flurry of wrapping paper, oohs and ahhhs and everyone does great.
The temperature in the smoker’s stabilised around 230 degree (farenheit) and the cherry stuffing I made yesterday just has to go in the oven – so while Margaret, Les and Catriona prepare the veg, Mikey, Matty and I take Freya on our traditional Christmas day walk up the lochside.
When we get back all’s still good int he smoker…but it’s gonna a be another coupla hours before we’re ready.
The prosecco’s been flowing since breakfast time but it’s time for a beer or two and, by 6pm we sit down to dinner…as usual the table’s groaning with the amount of food which makes me feel a little uncomfortable when I think of folks not as lucky as us.
We’re not long finished when Will arrives. He’s been working and glad to sit down for his dinner and a glass of red.
Freya’s a wee bit grimbly and not really going off to sleep – most likely because of the noise and hilarity from round the table. Catriona and Will spend a lot of the rest of the night trying to get her to sleep but we all have a grand night and manage to eat too much!