AFTER a long (very long!) lie we have breakfast and I get on with some work.
First job is getting poster and flyer artwork for the February/March shows off to the printer.
I also need to start work on the press/radio/media stuff for the USA shows coming up…I start by messaging the venues/promoters and some other pals over there ti see if they have any key media contacts I should hit up with news releases, links, photos etc.
Back in the house I prepare the meat for tonight Vietnamese beef. Margaret’s at Catriona’s and gonna do some shopping on the way home, so the scallion oil can wait ’til she’s home.
There’s a software update for the Fractal AX-8 unit in my guitar effects case – internet in the studio’s not good, so I download the updates in the office and put ’em on a memory stick so I can get them on the computer in the studio…then I connect the AX-8 to the studio computer and run the updates.
While the AX-8 is connected to the computer I create a patch for the Telecaster…not that I use it live, but it’s fun to play in the studio from time to time.
It’s nearly 8pm when Margaret gets back and we put the shopping way. I make the scallion oil dressing for the beef and fire up the grill outside to cook. The result is stunning though I say it myself!