WE’RE enjoying a coffee in bed when I get a message from the supplier we’re gonna be working with on the local 4G internet pilot…I’d messaged him last night to say I had cheque for him and he’s suggesting we meet in an hour for a coffee in the village.
I quickly get up, showered, breakfasted and some routine online stuff done then go to meet him.
We have coffee and blether for nearly two hours. All being well the equipment for the pilot will start being installed week beginning 1 April.
Next stop is the Co-op in Balloch for some shopping…and when I get home Margaret’s out on a couch to 5k run.
I get some more work done in the afternoon then hit the studio for an hour or so before its time to go along to Betty and Joe’s. A bunch of us have been invited along for dinner.
Nice to catch up with everyone and , as usual, Betty’s put together a lovely meal…