I’M finishing off the routine stuff when the postie drops off the mail – including a couple of NFC (near field communication) tags that I wanna experiment with.
One of the first idea is a ‘tap card’ – a robust business card that will transfer contact onto or open a website when tapped with a phone.
Making the card out of thin acrylic is quick enough, but I get bogged down in programming the tag and start to run out of time. I;ve still to make some sandwiches and get my stuff ready for my afternoon/evening shift in the village shop.
It’s delivery day at the shop so there’s palletfuls of stuff to be brought in, put away and shelves stocked. And while not mobbed, there’s a steady flow of customers throughout my shift – right up to closing time.
Margaret’s at a local community trust meeting so I’m on dinner duties. I’ve been tasked with some communications stuff for an upcoming project – we discuss what’s needed and I get busy…