UP early for the usual Monday morning sourdough baking. While the bread’s cooling I get on nwioth some emails and social media stuff.
After breakfast I hit the studio for the first of two online guitar lessons. It’s closely followed by the second, re-scheduled from its usual afternoon slot as I’ve a hospital appointment in Glasgow early afternoon.
We drive into Glasgow and get to the former sick kids’ hospital a good half hour early…I’m seen pretty quick by consultant Umberto Fazzi who is friendly, good-natured and very thorough. He checks through my scans, x-rays and asks a load of questions and examines both my shoulder and ‘suspected tumour’ on my left arm.
He doesn’t think the two are connected and makes two referrals – one for physio for my shoulder…and one for my arm which he reckons is a peripheral nerve sheath tumour. Bidding us farewell he – a little sarcastically – adds ‘don’t hold your breath for these appointments’. I optimistically interpret the lack of urgency as ‘no need to worry’. To be honest, I’m not particularly worried anyway – what happens, happens…nae point in stressing over it.
Next stop Costco for a snack and some shopping followed by the supermarket then home.
Amongst the mail waiting when we get home is the latest issue of FinIand’s Blues News magazine with a nice feature on yours truly. You can see it in the press cuttings section of my website here (although it’s all in Finish!). I get some work done then nip out for a quick walk before my livestream.
When I get back the computer in the studio is playing funny buggers and gets caught in an endless reboot cycle so I end up doing the livestream using my phone…