Bill opens to the garden concert…
I MAKE breakfast burritos then we get to work preparing for this afternoon’s garden concert.
First job is getting th gazebos up and secure…then sorting seating , tables and other stuff.
The PA, other sound gear and instruments get carted from the studio and and we soundcheck successfully without much bother, the EV PA definitely makes thing easier and less stressful.
Setting up the livestream, though, doesn’t;t go quite as smoothly. I have a camera set up outside and cables coming in to a switcher connected to the computer.
My ‘house’ laptop keeps crashing OBS so we try Margaret’s. It won’t even start up properly!
I try and old laptop from the office that’s used to control the laser but it’s too old to run the OBS live-streaming software and we eventually resort to Bill’s laptop.
Gates have been open for half and hour and it’s almost time for Bill to play by the time we get it sorted. I may have been a little stressed 😉
The afternoon goes great tho’ and we have a good crowd – we all have a blast 🙂