AFTER breakfast I find the Stirling Observer has used my hydro society news release – a nice half-page feature on page three.
I send a scan to my fellow directors then use it as social media content for a load of posts.
Next job is to finish a Ben Lomond plaque I’m making to enter the handicrafts section for tomorrow’s local flower show. I paint the various layers and decide to re-make the top layer as the first effort wasn’t;t to my liking.
There’s an order in for a custom ‘Alvin the Cat Who Couldn’t Cat’ pendant. I made a couple of one-off’s for the author a month or son go and he’s now ordered one for the illustrator. No pressure!
I cast one up and get initial sanding and tidying done before Margaret runs me to the village for an appointment with the doc. No results from my recent MRI scan yet…but I have a wee spot-like thing on my face that has ‘changed’ recently. As first I thought it was pluke….then we thought maybe an ingrown hair…but it’s mutated a bit. The doc has a look and decides it’s best to refer me to a dermatologist…a potential rodent ulcer (nope, I don’t know either!).
I enjoy the walk home then finish the plaque of flower show and look out a Conic Hill pendant I made before taking both along to the village hall. I pay my dues then find I’m only allowed to enter one item into the handicrafts category. I take the plaque back home!