PRETTY broken this morning but I need to get up and sort out some bust string and other guitar issues before we check out the hotel.
First stop is dropping past last night’s venues to pick up my apex…then on to Sainsbury’s where I order breakfast and Margaret goes to the in-store Argos to buy a folding table for merch. it’s just a wee thing that can stay in the car for emergency situations when there’s not merch area at a show!
We hit the road to Darlington and make good time. I’m in a nice venue called The Vault with a decent stage space and much more room than the tiny place I was in last time I played the festival. Probably about 10 years or more ago.
The show goes really well and it’s nice to see a mix of old pals, well-known faces and new folks in the crowd 🙂
We’re heading back home this evening and stop at a chippy before we leave Darlington..the biggest portion of chips and fish supper we’ve ever seen!
We share the drive up the road stopping in Glasgow for some shopping. Knackered.