I SPEND a good part of the morning experimenting with strobe lighting and selfies in the studio.
A break in the photo shenanigans lets me phone the optician and arrange an eye test. Margaret’s been on my case to call since I started noticing changes in sight my right eye. My eye hospital consultation every six months don’t take vision into account, so I keep forgetting I still need ‘normal’ eye tests.
In our bid to save some money and do our bit for the environment we’re furthering our heat pump procurement and also preparing to have our old wood stove taken out. I take some photos and gather some info before putting it online for sale when the time comes.
We’re looking at ways we could run a bottleneck/fingerstyle guitar workshop/masterclass event early in the new year. Margaret’s already spoken to the folks at the Oak Tree Inn and we go down for another chat and look at the spaces we could use.
Back home I pull together an outline for a two night workshop event.
An email comes in with some of the info from the heat pump folks with the steps we need to go through to start the grant and loan process. I spend a good half hour on the phone with the energy folks who do an initial assessment and make a referral to the grant scheme.
There’s still enough light left for a walk. I wander up to Milarrochy, do a couple fo livestreams then arrive back home in the dark. I’m on beef taco duty tonight….