CATRIONA’S bringing the kids over later to make Christmas cake…there’s a few things needing done before the chaos ensues.
After breakfast I put some bigger stakes in the chilli plans that started off small in the hydroponics system but are now taking over our hall.
During the night I was woken by an odd noise coming from the kitchen – turns out the hydroponic thing was running low on water and some of the micro tomato roots had been drawn onto the pump. I refill, add nutrients and free up the roots.
Next there’s a fresh tuna loin to be cut up and vacuum packed…and a tray of chicken to be portioned up, bagged and frozen. Both scored on yesterday’s shopping trip to Costco.
I get a laptop and webcam set up the kitchen and set up a Zoom session so Les can join in the cake making from her end then Catriona and the kids arrive.
I hit the studio to get some work done then look into the possibility of ordering a carbon fibre guitar neck for the acoustasonic. I get all the spec sorted out and checked but have a couple of queries that I need answered before I make a decision to go with it. I email the manufacturer Klos….
Our pal Joel drops by to borrow a guitar cable then an email comes in from Eventbrite, the ticketing service I use for some of our self-promo shows. Historical data from ticket sales is going to be deleted from the website so I get busy downloading and archiving past event sales data. it’s slow going and tedious, but important to have access to the info.
I get halfway through when a family – Paul, Layla and their two kids – arrive. They’re interested in buying our stove and flue when it gets taken out in a few weeks and have come for a look. Turns out we’re related so there’s much discussion and chat over coffee before they head off. They seem interested in the stove 🙂