MONDAY – that means an early alarm to get the sourdough in the oven.
While the bread bakes, then cools, I get emails and socials out the way and then have fresh sourdough toast with avocado before hitting the studio for the first online guitar session of the day.
I have a few back to back sessions and amn’t long finished when a courier drops off the carbon fibre guitar neck I ordered from Klos in USA last week. Amazing turnaround and service!
There’s another online guitar session after lunch then I fit the new guitar neck to the Acoustasonic. It’s all good, except the holes in the guitar body were drilled out for the screws to fit inserts in the existing removable neck, so the new screws aren’t quite as tight as they should be and the guitar neck moves very slightly. Not a huge issue, but would be good to get it sorted.
An in-person guitar student rolls up late afternoon. Once she’s done I do some prep for tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream on Facebook then write up a news release and set up some selfie photos to help promote January’s guitar workshop.
The livestream goes without any hitches and I’m back at the house for dinner soon after 9pm.