UP EARLY to get my weekly sourdough in the oven. While it cooks – and cools – I drink coffee in bed and deal with emails, socials and stuff.
After breakfast I have two online guitar students. In between I put out a reminder that there’s no Wildcats’ livestream this evening.
I do a few more material tests using the new machine in the office and things look promising.
After lunch I spend some time on the initial development phase of the Black Bull website then go for a quick walk before my late afternoon guitar student arrives.
Margaret’s away to get some wood trim for the space the new stove is going in.She’s still got one stone veneer tile to cut but doesn’t want to burn out my wee re-chargeable Dremel. I have another mains powered Dremel that is stuck one high speed – and even at it’s slowest speed was still to aggressive for the jobs I needed it for – and the collet lock doesn’t engage so it’s pretty much useless. I dig it out a box, take it to bits and manage to fix the collet lock/release button.
When Margaret comes back we try it on the tile and bingo. Hot knife through butter 🙂
We go to pick up Betty and go along to the village hall AGM then back home for dinner.