UP early to get out for a paddle. I wanna go out on a Santa suit and get some pix with a guitar.
I get dressed up and take to the water in Balmaha – Margaret takes a camera and a guitar up to Milarrochy and I meet here there.
All goes to plan and I don’t fall in the water with the guitar. Then it’s back home for a quick shower and ready just in time for midday online guitar student.
Back at the house my usual 4pm guitar student arrives – rescheduled for 1pm as we’re off to Perth mid-afternoon. Her mum and step dad come along to and we have a grand wee session.
Then it’s off to Perth for my pal – and Radiotones’ compadre – Jim’s 70th birthday celebrations at the Abbotsford. I’ve been away from Perth for more than 20 years but it feels like yesterday and it’s great to catch up with so man y old pals…and, of course, Jim and Hazel.
There’s a revolving line-up of local musos playing and later on I get summoned to the stage to play a song or two with the guys. It’s fun 🙂