I HAVE an online guitar student first thing then get my gear ready to go for a paddle.
It’s lovely day and I wanna try and get some drone stuff while I’m out. Although very calm in places the outward paddle to Port Awn is against he wind and some kind weird current – maybe water coming off th hills into the loch – or maybe a result of the two Tornados flying low up the loch earlier!
At Port Bawn – the far end of Inchcailloch I chat with some kayakers. When they paddle off I mess with the drone a little…being mindful that it doesn’t;’t like being over water. regardless I get some footage.
It’s nearly 3pm when I get home, showered and a late lunch..then I hit the studio and get some real work done.
Mikey rocks up late afternoon – Margaret’s trying to sort out his shitstorm of accounts and submit his tax return…I finish a batch of packaging stickers for Manson Glass then go back to the house to cook dinner. Beef, butternut squash and ancho chilli….