AFTER breakfast I hit the office and start making some of the goodie-bag items for next week’s guitar workshop.
After re-jigging the workshop logo I add each participant’s name and engrave an insulated cup for each of them.
As well as personalising the cups, having their names on them will stop folks getting their coffee/whatever mixed up during the event!
The cups turn out really nice…then I turn my attention to dye-subbing the workshop logo on the canvas tote bags.
This is more challenging as ghosting is an issue and the whole process is, let’s say, temperamental! I get two done then decide to give it a rest.
I do, however, try a prototype of a brass guitar but my design and process need a bit of fine tuning. It’s not terrible, but could be a lot better….
In the studio I do a little more work on the Kickstarter, getting a little closer to completing the reward packages and images. I need to get it finished over the weekend and submit it for approval on Monday if I wanna have any chance of a launch on 5 or 6 February.
Margaret’s made Kung Pao tofu for dinner and it’s really, really good.
We chill in front of the telly for the rest of the night and watch the last few episodes of Patience.