UP EARLY to get the Monday morning sourdough in the oven.
I have a coffee and check emails and socials while it’s baking then jump in. The shower once the bread’s out the oven.
By the time I head to the studio for a Zoom session with a regular guitar student I’ve got a few routine things out the way.
My design for the brass guitar necklaces and pins needs work so I spend a few hours working on some ideas ready for prototyping over the next few days.
I’ve been managing to avoid the lurgy that Margaret had last week but it’s kinda starting to threaten. Hopefully it’ll stay in the background until after this weekend’s shows.
Aberdeen ticket sales could do with a bit of a boost. Hopefully some targeted posing and stuff will help.
It’s not a very nice day but I badly need some exercise and fresh air and head for a walk up the lochside.
Then it’s time to do a bit of prep for the Wildcats’ livestream on Facebook…and before I know it I’m live!