Tuesday 9 October 2018

Time for a dram with Sarah Shook & the Disarmers, the Trongone Band, soundman Eric and bar tender Morgan. Great night.
AFTER breakfast and the now normal routine of emails, social media and last minute “today’s show” online promo we hit town.
Margaret want to go to T J Maxx and we need some stuff to fix my necklaces.
On the way back to the hotel we pick up some stuff for lunch then I restring the guitars for tonight’s show.
Load-in at the Raccoon Motel is 5.30pm. The Trongone Band is sound checking as we load in then soundman Eric get me set up in good time for my 7pm stage time.
The place is pretty empty at ten to seven…but miraculously fills up as I take the stage. I have an absolute blast then clear the stage for the Trongone Band who play a blistering set before Sarah Shook hits the stage with her band, the Disarmers. Sarah’s albums have been on constant rotation back home since our pals at Bloodshot records tipped us off about her music.
We’re loaded out just after 10pm and back at the hotel slightly worse for wear soon after…some grub and then I crash!

I kick things off at the Raccoon Motel…

…then the Trongone Band….

…and Sarah Shook & the Disarmers.