THINK I manage an hour or two’s doze before we wake up for breakfast on the plane.
We land in Frankfurt soon after around midday local time…4am where we left (Los Angeles).
The trek from our arrival gate to the gate for our connecting flight to Manchester is bleedin’ miles and, of course, we have two guitars, my effects case and some other hand baggage.
Then it’s another shlep through security and by the time we get to our gate its time to board…we’re tired, sore, thirsty and needing the toilet!
We touch down in Manchester just before 2pm, clear customs and passport control fairly quickly and pick up the car which is waiting at the meet’n’greet car park.
Both knackered, we take turns driving up the road and stop in Glasgow for some essentials…we’re both in Glasgow all day tomorrow so can pick up a ‘proper’ shopping then.
By the time we’re home, unpacked, eat and attend to some urgent bits and bobs it’s well after 10pm. I’m done…