ONCE again, despise an early night and setting my alarm for 8am it’s nearly 11am when I wake up! Still feeling a bit odd too.
After breakfast Margaret’s on a mission to clean and tidy the place. I treat going through all the video clips form the trip and pull initial selections onto a timeline in Final Cut. I know if I don’t make a start now it’ll never happen and the video will end up being archived and never used or seen.
The initial run through takes me a good four or five hours.
There’s two other jobs on my priority list for today – Facebook livestreams to my personal profile and page and also to shoot a video for a Facebook and Instagram ad to promote the three upcoming Scottish shows.
I wanna do ’em all in the studio so spend a bit of time setting things up before buzzing Margaret to come across and give me a hand.
The internet holds up OK and the streams and subsequent filming go OK.
I’ve a few more things to do in the studio before finally getting back to the house and rustling up some black pepper tofu for dinner.