ONCE again we’re at the coo’s tail going for breakfast and lucky there’s some grub left!
We check out our room and wait in the lounge getting some work done until our driver comes at 1pm to take us to the bus station.
I’m feeling pretty rough. Not so much hangover…more kinda tired, flu-ey and generally under the weather.
I sleep most of the half-hour drive to Rakvere then nip to the supermarket beside the bus station to find something to eat.
Its just over two hours on the bus to Tartu and we sleep most of the way.
We’re picked up at the bus station and taken to the F-Body Meet festival site via the hotel where we drop our bags off.
I soundcheck pretty much as soon as we arrive – around 5.30pm. There’s lots going on, and we’re even food and drink vouchers…but it’s five hours before I’m on stage and there’s nowhere to chill.
We eat, watch some of the weird and wonderful car/engine-related ‘sports’ including a vehicle tug of war. Our pal Martin arrives and we hang out together chatting and drinking beer.
It’s getting cold and there’s zillions of mosquitos and other biting things…the stage is in a clearing in the forest – perfect spot for biting things!
Randal kicks off the live music at 10pm. he’s joined by our pal Al on harmonica and I’m called to the stage to join them on their last number – Folsom Prison Blues before taking over for my own set.
The crowd is enthusiastic and welcoming. So are the mosquitos….and every so often fireworks go off right in front of the stage with no warning. What a weird and wonderful night.
We’re dropped back at the hotel just after 1am – we pour ourselves a large dram and I edit up the day’s video blog.
