YOGA first thing this morning. Missed a few weeks because I was away on tour and last week I had a hospital appointment. That makes for quite a tough session!
There’s some local road closures coming up and although I’ve mothballed the website, I’m involved in communications for the local community trust and, as such, feel a responsibility to share the info.
Next job is poster art for another couple of the USA tour dates then it’s lunchtime.
After lunch I have a coaching session – my third under the auspices of Help Musicians Scotland. It’s a useful session and, as always, helps me see the wood amongst the trees…no ideas or solutions to help us weather the current financial/cash flow crisis tho’!
What does come out is the need to focus on the upcoming n USA tour to maximise profitability…and also to set a date to draw a line under bookings and move the focus onto promotion. That’ll be Friday, I think.
Margaret and I discuss things and agree that we need to m maximise march income which means maybe having some different merch items…we’ve thought about baseball caps and beanies for a while. They;re expensive, tho’ – and my coach/mentor has recommended against anything that’s a gamble – ie: merch that might not sell.
We think caps will sell, tho’ – Margaret does some research and I go out for a walk to clear my head and listen to a podcast.
When I stop at my turning point to come back towards home, I stop and check emails and stuff…looks like there’s a problem with the venue I’m playing in Fort Wayne. I message the booker – who has moved on – for his thoughts.
All the way home, I’m wracking my brain for ideas to fill a Friday night date at short notice. Luckily, by the time I get home the booker has emailed me to say the show’s been re-arranged amended for another venue. Phew!
I immediately create new poster/flyer art and amend my online listings.
We’re having burgers for dinner and when I eventually get outside (it’s after 8pm) to light some charcoal for the grill the midgies are out in force. Despite the insectoid interference the burgers are great.
Once we’ve eaten we go through some of the march suppliers Margaret found online earlier. Prices/costs are pretty high, so it’s maybe back to the drawing board. We’ll sleep on it….