WE’RE on a bit of a mission to see if we can source a bag that will take two in guitars in cases and combine them into one piece of luggage for air travel.
On a recent trip when we couldn’t take the guitars into the cabin the girl at checkin advised us to have them ‘wrapped’ and it worked well. Not many airports have that facility tho’, and although cheaper than checking an extra item, it’s still a cost per trip.
If we can find a way of packing them together in a foldable bag that could be a solution.
We looked at the idea of using ratchet-type straps to tie the two gig bags together and a cover of some sort – maybe a golf bag cover or hockey bag – but couldn’t find anything remotely the right size.
Margaret did some research on lien and found a company that makes custom bags/covers so I drop them an email enquiry with sizes and intended purpose.
In the studio I record more guitar tracks until I get one that’s pretty much as good as its gonna get.
After lunch I go back to the studio and edit it a little to tidy things up. Hopefully it’ll make the grade.
The publisher’s after a faster version too, so I attempt to record that – I’ll listen through the various takes tomorrow.
I’m almost on my deadline to stop booking shows and start promo stuff – video, artwork etc – for the USA tour. There’s just one show I really wanna slot in but despite all good intentions, I’m not getting any joy reaching the folks to confirm…I call (via Skype – an amazing thing!) and finally manage to speak to someone who takes a message for the booker.
Betty and Joe are coming for dinner later. I hit the kitchen to get all the prep done to make jambalaya. A lot of chopping and measuring but once its all done, it’s an easy dish to cook.
There’s time to go out for a wee walk and in m return I tidy up in the office – and see a message confirming the deal for the last show on my USA booking to-do list.
I’m just locking up at the studio when Betty and Joe roll up and we have a grand evening eating, drinking and blethering with our pals.