WHILE we’re having a long lie, my scheduled July eNewsletter goes out as planned….
Only when I come out the shower do I notice – and feel – the real extent of the midge bites from Saturday night. I’m covered, and the towel rubbing them has brought them all out.
With the eNewsletter having gone out earlier, I spread the link over social media and a bunch fo Facebook groups.
One of my other main tasks to day is too edit the video footage from the weekend and make a video blog of our adventure. There’s quite a lot of clips to sort through and tighten up.
A courier drops off the embroidered patches we ordered a few weeks ago. Some sew on and some sew or iron-on. They look really good but are a little smaller than we expected.
Margaret’s sourced various caps to check out. A bunch from eBay were cheap but I don’t like them – they have some odd seams and don’t sit that nicely in your head. Another couple suffer a similar problem but a couple of Beechwood caps form Amazon are a bit better.
Margaret sews patches on the better caps with her sewing machine and the end result is pretty good. More caps on the way…they’re for the USA tour, but if we’ve any left we’ll flog ’em here too 🙂
A local pal brings along her two kids for an introductory guitar lesson. I’m not keen on the ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’ school of teaching guitar – surely its possible to teach kids with songs they actually like! The kids both like Ed Sheeran, so I search for a song with just three chords and transpose it into a key with easier chords for beginners, I’m amazed how quick the kids grasp the idea and pick up the chord shapes.
Once I get the video finished and uploaded I head out for a wee walk tip the loch side and do a couple of livestream udates.
Back home I make some tortilla dough with blue corn masa and then hit the studio while it rests a while.
We have our chilli tacos and catch up on a little more work before bed.