DESPITE a 3am bedtime we’re up just after 7am to get form Fort Wayne, Indiana up to Toledo, Ohio for my cousin’s (well, second cousin’s son, if that makes sense) wedding.
We’re staying at an Air BnB with Sue, Jim, Stephanie and Opal and need to be there soon after 11am.
We stop for some breakfast en route and roll up in Toledo around 11.30am. We chat for a while then everyone starts getting ready for the wedding.
The ceremony is in an nice, modern church 20-minutes drive away…then there’s a couple of hours lull in proceeding until the reception. We go back tot the Air BnB where Jima dn i have a couple of beers and a dram, then Sue drives us all the the Valentine Theatre downtown.
The reception is fantastic… and it’s great to catch up with so many folks and meet my (second) cousin Rick for the first time…and Matt, who I haven’t seen for 40 years!
A great night is had by all then we sit round and chat over a few drams of Smokehead when we get back to the Air BnB…great way to enjoy a day off 🙂