OUR AirBnB guest is upon and away by 7am…I get up and hit the office.
Quite a lot of stuff to get done before I hit the village shop for a six-hour shift. There’s some ELLCT stuff needing printed out and I nip along to Betty and Joe’s before I check in at the shop.
When I get back to the house late afternoon Margret’s gone into town to pick up some stuff we’ve realised we need to make our AirBnB guests more comfortable. We have a couple arriving from Germany this evening and they’ll be with us three nights.
I catch up with emails and some other work then grab a camera and go to take pictures of a restored bench up on the hillside…one of the latest projects by the local community trust. I’ll include the image/s in the trust newsletter that I’ll be doing over the weekend.
When I get back, Margaret’s had a message that our guests won’t be arriving ’til around 10.30pm. That’s fine – I get on with making some blue corn tortillas and we finish off the leftover pulled pork in tacos for dinner.
I’m still trying to sort out a website revamp for my pal Tom in Wisconsin and we’ve been having terrible problems with the hosting company. Long story. Any, tonight it transpires that although he still has his domain names and hosting with said company, he actually had the site that I designed a few years ago moved to a pal’s server. He’d forgotten all about it!
He puts me in touch with his pal and hopefully we’ll get things moving over the weekend.
Our guests arrive and we have a chat while they have a cup of tea…then we turn in for an early night.