WE’RE in the middle of a financial crisis discussion when the phone rings…it’s the village shop asking if I’m coming in for my shift!
Last week I was told Wednesday and Thursday, but there seems to be some kind of mis-communication/mistake! Anyhow, its not a huge problem, but I do have a bit of a panic re-scheduling meetings in town and stuff accordingly.
I’m back home just after 4pm and join Margaret and Betty for a coffee before picking uip the work I left earlier. First, spreading the eNewsletter links…and then on to editing the Inverness/Orkney videoblog.
I started doing it on the iPad while we were away and although iPad OS version of Movie is quick and easy, it’s not quite as flexible as the ‘desktop’ version or, of course, my preferred Final Cut. Also, I’m short of memory on the iPad and had to put it together a day at a time so. could dump the original video clips/files.
We’ve been invited along to Betty and Joe’s for dinner, so we head out and pick up some stuff for them en route.
Its not a late one – we’re home son after 10pm – and I finish editing the videoblog while Margaret gets the spare room ready for tomorrow’s (Wednesday) AirBnB guest…