WE’RE off to Edinburgh for the first in a series of four Scottish shows with my pal Ismo from Finland. A lot to do before we go tho’.
First up, I have to grab some video footage and edit up a social media video post for the local business I’m helping out.
In between filming and editing, I have a meeting to discuss some other stuff then I get back too the office and get to work.
We have a quick lunch then I take the far to the studio and pack the gear for tonight’s show.
The traffic is terrible when we hit Edinburgh and it’s well after 5pm when we arrive at Sneaky Pete’s and load in. Ismo and his wife Suvi are already there.
Soundchecks out the way, we have a quick bite to eat then doors open at 7pm. While the place isn’t mobbed, it’s a good turnout for a Wednesday night and we have grand time.
We’re back home by midnight and have some grub, a few beers and a nightcap and suddenly it’s after 3am…howd that happen?!?!