AFTER breakfast I make a bit of a start on an e-commerce project for a local business – I need content tho’…si send off a message asking for some stuff.
We’re really cutting back on Christmas cards this year…a combination of trying to be more environmentally aware and being skint! There’s still a few that need to be sorted tho’ so I make up a list and print off some labels.
Margaret’s been busy putting up the Christmas tree then we put up the outdoor ‘icicle lights’ along the front of the house. There’s some other outdoor light sets but we don’t have any spare batteries. I go online and order some more rechargeable AA batteries.
We’re taking some grub along to Betty and Joe’s later. I get the smoker fired up and a bacon-wrapped pork loin on which I hope will be ready just before we go along.
It all works out fine and we a have a grand night with our pals…everybody loves the pork and my ‘Alabama white’ BBQ sauce 🙂