AFTER breakfast I run some social. media posts – mostly food pics from last night’s livestream for the local restaurant.
Then I hit the studio. I need to try out some other approaches to a new song I’m working on.
I spend an hour or so in the studio then we need to make up a shopping list and go into Glasgow to get our Christmas food. We also need to drop off some local Christmas cards.
While we’re out I get a text from a pal who’s been renovating Betty and Joe’s dining table. He’s finished and needs a hand getting it back to them this evening.
We’re back just in time for Keiran to pick me. We drop off the table legs then go and pick up the top which is a bit of monster. He’s made a great job of it and once it’s all in situ we have a beer with Betty and Joe.
Back home I chill for a bit then start making dinner. Once we’ve eaten we wander back along to Betty and Joe’s where Seonaidh and Arthur are making their way through a bottle of Old Pulteney…after a couple of glasses of red I help them finish it off!