I GO straight into the studio after breakfast and do some work on the latest demo of the new song.
Although I have fun adding some more instruments and stuff, it’s not really going in the right direction. I get Margaret across to the studio to listen and she agrees. I need to change the rhythm and try ands make it more ‘my style’.
I knock out another rough version which already sounds more promising.
I’m doing another livestream from the local restaurant to help promote their half-price accommodation vouchers a s last minute Christmas gift. While I don’t want it to be scripted as such, I need to make up a cheat sheet to make sure my volunteer presenters mention everything we need to get across.
Half an hour before we’re due to go live I meet up with Hannah and David and go through the drill. It all goes well and we have a good laugh.
Back home I push the livestream a little further and prepare some social media posts and Facebook cover images ready for posting tomorrow.
In the studio I do a mix of the latest, very rough, demo of the new song and take it back to the house. We’re agreed it’s a better approach.
I nip to the pub to meet Martyn, Tom and David for a quick pint that turns into four. Margaret is quite happy to be left to get on with her Christmas preparations and has the dinner ready when I am back a little later than planned…