LOTS to do today but we sleep in!
While Margaret sorts breakfast I get busy with poster and flyer art for the local community trust to encourage folks to participate in a local planning meeting next week.
I need to get the posters designed, printed and laminated quick so I can take them out and put them up along with the remaining posters for my upcoming local show.
We drive to the village, stopping along the way to put both posters up on community noticeboards. In the village, we put them up in various places and Margaret drops me to put up one a last poster and walk back home. I need some fresh air.
I’m home in time for my new guitar student arriving and we have a productive session.
I’ve been keen to try making seitan – a vegan meat substitute – for a while. Not to because we’re veggie or vegan…more because I’m curious to try something new.
I get the ‘dough’ made and in the steamer before the 6pm livestream to the signature guitar Facebook page. See Givers & Takers – number nine in my ‘song a day’ series above.
While the seitan’s steaming I put a rub on a big piece of topside beef I bought at a knock down price in December. Interested til see how it turn out in the smoker tomorrow. If it fucks up it’s not the end of the world…was a cheapo bargain.
The seitan needs to cool at room temperature then go in the fridge. It’s mean to be there for a good eight hours, but we need to eat tonight, so once cool I put it an airtight box and shove it in the fridge for an hour while prepare the other ingredients of the Mongolian ‘beef’.
It’s late when we eat but the seitan and Mongolian ‘beef’ turns out great. Especially for a first attempt 🙂
After dinner I share the livestream from earlier on…and edit/post the other versions. It’s 1.30am when we finally decide to call it a day…