WE’RE off into Glasgow first thing. I drop Margaret off then stop at McDonalds for coffee and wifi.
As well as the routine daily stuff, I have a web proposal to put together and some online advertising g issues to sort out.
Once done I pick up some shopping at Chung Ying Chinese cash’n’carry and Costco then head to the Soul Barber Room in Finnieston for a haircut.
By the time I’m through at the barber shop it’s time to pick up Margaret. We stop at Aldi on the way home for the rest of the shopping and get back in time to set up for my 6pm livestream on the signature guitar page on Facebook – day 22 in my ‘song a day’ series.
I make a start editing the video footage for the other channels then make dinner…”un-beef and broccoli” using the seitan I made yesterday. I overdo the sautéing of the seitan though and it’s a little charred on the outside…not complete disaster but verging on being burnt. The resulting dish is passable, b ut somewhat spoiled by the overdone seitan.
By the time we’ve eaten the videos are ready for upload then I sit down and watch a wee bit of telly before bed.