LOTS on the list today…couple of livestreams later that need trailed and some prep for next week’s show at Buchanan Memorial Hall.
First up, I need to create a playlist worth of music to play before and after the lev sets. The X-Air mixer is amazing and a tiny wee USB drive with music gives a seamless operation. Except…it’s extremely fussy about the file types – the must be in .wav format and specifically 48k, 16-bit files. I pull a playlist of songs together and convert them to the correct format then put them in some kind fo order onto the USB drive.
I’ll test the files later – more important to create the content for projection at the show and make sure both the ‘slides’ and projector work. I run a test in the studio and all looks good.
While in the studio I mess with the (now not-so) new song and blast out some electric guitar.
In between times I marinade the beef for tonight’s Vietnamese beef.
Suddenly it’s time to head to the Oak Tree for the kitchen livestream. IO get that done, take some pix of the grub and rush home to share it all on social media. Then I run my own pre-recorded ‘live’-stream.
We film another couple of pre-records for Sunday and Monday which I;’ll edit tomorrow (Saturday) and prepare. Meantime, I need to get the grill outside going for the Vietnamese beef…we’ve got folks coming for drinks later.
Betty and Joe arrive soon after 8.30pm..then Maggi and Joel roll up.
We have a good night catching up…although I perhaps overdo the red 😉