AFTER breakfast we tackle a couple of outstanding domestic things – renewing phone and electricity contracts,
I deal with BT and manage to get the monthly charge reduced a little. Margaret does an even better job with the electricity – putting a temporary tariff in place and securing a smart meter which will, in turn, allow us to switch to a cheaper supplier!
I try out an air fryer recipe for fried chicken and it works a treat! Only problem, the air fryer is a little small to get much chicken in there.
After trailing this evening’s livestream form he kitchen at the Oak Tree Inn I get into the studio and finish the mix of a new song. I take it back to the house to listen and we both agree it’s a go-er 🙂
Re-organising the studio and adding some basic acoustic treatment in the control room has improved things tenfold…mixes are already much more accurate.
Suddenly it’s time to head to the Oak Tree and run the livestream…then it’s back home to share round social media and sort out the photos for posting tomorrow.
I make asparagus risotto for dinner and we have a nice chilled evening…and fall asleep on then sofa!