LOTS to get through today…and top of the list is to start the ball rolling with thew online marketing for the release of Stick to Your Guns – the new single that drops on 17 April.
Once done, I need to finish the edit on the Oak Tree Inn’s ‘Whisky Wednesdays’ video and get it round social media. I’m short of source material sop it’s a bit of a ‘make do and mend’ affair, but the end result is OK.
After lunch (gyoza) I attend to some of the domestic duties I neglected earlier then make up a meal pan and shopping list to send to Margaret who’s in Glasgow.
I go for a walk for an hour or so and when I get back I deal with some online orders and other stuff.
Maragert comes home with the shopping then I start on dinner – Mongolian ‘un-beef’…using some of the seitan I made last week.
it’s quite a complicated meal – plus I want to add some broccoli to our bowls…then I remember our hob’s goosed again and IU have to try and make it on a camping stove. the Instant Pot (for rice) and microwave (steamed broccoli) alleviate some of the pressure, but it’s still a bit of an ordeal. Turns out OK tho’.