A BIT of a rush to get showered, have breakfast and deal with the daily stuff before a scheduled Zoom video call.
I’m helping a neighbour’s daughter with her web development and social media stuff.
We have lunch outside then I set up the laptop in the garden and enjoy the fresh air while pulling all the final stuff together I need for my accounts and looking tax return while Margaret goes out for a run…she’s revisiting her ‘couch to 5k’ regime.
Once I’ve got all I need done done I nip out for a short walk up the lochside stopping atop Craige Fort to do a couple of Facebook livestream updates.
I’m home in time for our virtual ‘bookclub’ get-together…I tried to set it up on Zoom, but a few folks couldn’t get it to work so we resort to Messenger video which works fine. We have a drink together then IO hit the kitchen for tonight;’s mushroom risotto…