I HAVE a new online guitar student with his first lesson this morning. It’s a slide guitar based lesson and goes great.
Kenny – my t-shirt guy – is working on some face covering products for me. I work up a couple of potential designs and send them over to him…then we have a chat to discuss how they might work. I’m quite excited about these!
In between times I get an email from my pal Ismo in Finland. We’d planned a connection test for a future Blues’n2s episode for later on today, but he’s available now. We have an online – but private – chat to test the setup and we’re all set for Ismo to be my guest on Monday 3 August.
I’d planned a walk, but time has beaten me and I need to get set up for this evening’s episode of Blues’n’2s..this is the third one and features my pal Charlie Parr…
The technology holds up and the episode goes well…it’s well received too. Once done we continue our video chat in private which is nice. Watch it above, on my Facebook page or Youtube channel…