BACON rolls all round for breakfast at Catriona and Will’s – then I try and help with some internet-related issues.
We leave soon after midday and take a detour to Dunblane to get some shopping then homeward bound.
I have quite a lot of stuff to catch up on and do a little more prep in the studio for Monday’s livestream.
I take a break and marinade the beef for tonight’s Vietnamese beef. Martyn and Louise are coming round for a socially distanced dinner in the garden.
Back in the studio I film some more bits and bobs for the Smokehead thing I’m working on/ Hoping to get it finished tomorrow (Sunday).
Martyn, Louise and baby Oran roll up around 7.30pm and we have a grand night outside. There’s not many midges about and the temperatures just right. It’s times like these we really appreciate out garden. They head off just after midnight – Margaret and I sit outside with a dram and chat by the fire pit ’til after 2am….