I’M still a bit frazzled after last might’s debut of Cookin’ Up the Blues. First job, though, is an important one – sending thank you notes out to the folks who kindly made a contribution to costs and production.
I repurpose the livestream video for IGTV (Instagram TV) and YouTube and upload accordingly. May as well try and squeeze as much exposure as I can out of it!
Once that’s done I deal with the usual day-to-day admin and stuff then check out some admin for the PRS embers’ fund…I need to schedule a few phone ‘visits’ to grant holders. HQ has given me a few more to look after down south to try and help me bring in a little extra – albeit small amount – of dosh.
Back in the house I start to make some rice cakes form scratch for tonight’s tteoboki. Rice flour, glutinous rice flour, water and a little salt kneaded into a dough and steamed…then rolled and cut into little cylindrical rice cakes. My dough isn’t as wet as the first time I tried making. them so I have high hopes…but when it comes out the steamer it’s kinda sticky and impossible to roll into nice consistent pieces. They’re a bit gooey and malformed. they’re meant to be gummy, not gooey!
Well see how they fare later on.
I need a selfie for a wee project I’m working on and set up a few photos,,,then mess with them in Photoshop – then I have some website stuff to sort out for Mikey then go back to the house and prepare the tteoboki – cabbage, onion, Korean fish cake, stock and gochujang…plus the aforementioned rice cakes.
In the past it’s been too spicy for Margaret but tonight I get it just right…the rice cakes, however, are pretty crap. Think ;ll stick with the frozen, store-bought ones!