WE’RE all out of snoods again. I pack up the orders for the last of the stock and take them to the post box in the village.
I’m expecting more stock this week, so decide to change the product stays in the online shop to allow back-orders then get busy sending out thank you notes to the folks that donated to last night’s Cookin’ Up the Blues livestream.
There’s a few more admin things to attend to then I spend some time trying to get my read round Google’s tag manager and data studio tools. I heard about them on a marketing podcast while out for a walk yesterday and keen to make use of them. There’s a load of techie, server-side stuff needing done to get things set up but the work now will be worth it in the longer term as I can set up, collect and reference data without constantly having to update scripts and code on each page of my website.
I have a time for a quick half-hour walk in the forest before making lunch and some sandwiches to take toro the village shop for my 2pm to 10pm shift.
When I get home I have a quick snack, do another hour or so of work then we head to bed.