WE have a long lie, a coffee in bed and enjoy a lazy start to the day. It’s been a busy week.
I’ve a load of research to do into a project/idea I’ve had going round in my head for a while but been too busy to give any proper thought to.
Also, I’m keen to put out the feelers to see what folks think about patronage/membership – I’ve never been too taken with the idea, but with the ongoing lockdown and restrictions, I’ve come up with a few ideas that might make it work. I need to see what the folks that have been supportive through livestreams and stuff think tho’.
The sun’s gone down when I venture out for a walk. I do a couple of livestreams to help spread the word about Monday’s whisky-tasting with Smokehead and the following week’s covers/influences Zoom show.
After a wee bit more research on ‘the project’ I go back to the house, open. beer and embark on tonight’s carnitas…