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FIRST job on today’s list is to create some video content to promote the Zoom concert on Monday 16 November.
I film a quick piece to camera, edit and make a bunch of different formats then get on with formatting some of the video scripts I’ve been working on the last wee while.
I don’t want to confuse things with tomorrow’s (Monday) whisky tasting livestream, so I decide to hold off most of the Zoom session social posts until Tuesday other than one that I use for a Facebook livestream.
I’m still feeling all bummed up with the lurgy and don’t feel much like a walk so I pull together a surveymonkey questionnaire to try and gauge folks’ feelings about a Patreon or membership site. My livestreams/content/donations strategy ha been a wee bit unstructured and it might be better for folks who are interested to pay a monthly ‘subscription’ for an exclusive livestream and other content/perks. You can take part in the survey here.
We have green curry for the first time in ages. I made a batch of paste during the week. It’s a nice change and we enjoy it while watching Bill’s weekly livestream from the USA.