AFTER breakfast Keiran comes to finish a few jobs and take down the scaffolding.
I’ve grabbed some more video of the birds at the feeder to see what happens to the seeds. I shoot at 60 frames per second so I can slow things down a bit then edit and post ‘the evidence’.
Martyn, Louise and Oran are coming late afternoon to sit in the garden and have an early dinner. I fire up the camp stove and prepare the sugo with Italian sausage and have just finished when the cooker repair guy comes. thankfully it’s quite an easy fix and we’re only charged for the call out. Phew!
I’d planned on making fresh pasta, butt we have no pasta flour and while the OO strong bread flour would taste OK, it makes a spring dough which is a nightmare to roll out for pasta. I go tot e shop and buy some dried pasta!
Our pals arrive just after 4pm. It’s wet, windy and getting dark..the fire-it’s lit and, along with our under table heater keeps the cold at bay., We have a few drinks then eat.
They head off soon after 7pm to get Oran home in time for bed…we tidy up then sit and watch a film.