I SPEND the morning working on some graphic ideas for a new project I’m dreaming up.
I’d spotted a good deal on the Sonos Move and texted the info to Betty earlier – she’s been talking about getting one for a while and £100 off is pretty good. She drops round for a coffee in the garden and Margaret helps her get one ordered.
Margaret’s making lunch when Catriona and the kids arrive and I sit outside with them for a little while and eat my lunch.
Back in the studio I search out a special offer for a free week’s trial of some music marketing training that I heard about in the Creative Juice podcast. Indiepreneur is offering a trial of their IndiePro programme – no credit cards or any opting in or out needed. I sign up for it and spend a few hours not he first module. No rocket science so far, but it’s pretty good stuff.
My mouth’s still pretty tender after yesterday’s extraction and I wonder if a beer will help….so it’s back to the house, open a beer and make my best Bo Kho – a Vietnamese beef stew – to date…