THERE’S some merch orders to sort out after breakfast then the first of my two regular Monday guitar sessions.
I need to create some images and promote tonight’s Tales From the Road livestream – episode two – around social media.
After lunch I sort some more merch stuff out and start putting stacking some wood in the shed.
My second guitar session is postponed as my student can’t make it today – I take advantage of the new found time to get out for my first decent walk in a few days and do a quick livestream to promote this evening’s livestream.
Back home I make the sugo for tonight’s sausage pasta, deal with some more admin and emails then get the woodshed stacking finished. there;s still some round the back that I need to stack and cover.
The livestream goes great – this is a relatively simple production, although for future episodes I’m gonna need to curate and compile the content from my archives which may be a little more involved…