IT’S a beautiful clear day. Freezing cold and icy, but lovely.
I’m in the village shop from 1pm to close today so I nip along to Betty and Joe’s to drop off some mushroom risotto then back home to get some work done.
There’s some designs for local merch to be messed with and also a missing package of merch sent to the USA at the beginning of December. The folks that bought the Merch emailed last night to see if we had a tracking number.
Thankfully I do, so I start on the Royal Mail website and find the package left the UK the day after it was posted. Onto the USPS website and I’m met with messages saying they’ve been busy so expect delays. Further tracking shows the package is somewhere in the US postal system. I email all the info, tracking details and screenshots form websites to the customer.
I spend some time trying to find any info, updates of patches that will make the OBS streaming app work with the updates Mac operating system, but it seems there’s no fix or update yet. I have some other ideas that I;ll try later when I get back from my shift in the shop.
The good weather has Brough a lot of folks out to the village. I’m sure most of them shouldn’t be here if they were adhering to the covid travel guidelines…I;m sure some of them must be staying in the area by the looks of the stuff they’re buying.
Back home after closing up the shop, I dig out an old laptop with an old Mac operating system and wonder if it might do as a livestream controller. Of course, it doesn’t have any of the required software…I leave it downloading and updating and go back to the house for dinner.