MY usual Monday morning scrabble to get the decks cleared before my morning guitar session with as Zoom student.
Then it’s on to the promotion of tonight’s Tales From the Road and compilation of the video that goes with it.
I make some arancini with last night’s leftover mushroom risotto for lunch. No mozzarella for inside but the resulting wee balls are good and don’t miss it.
I go a bike ride and drop off an SD card reader for Martyn along the way. I have the Osmo camera mounted on an old GoPro chest mount to capture the ride…the helmet-mounted GoPro effort last week was crap, so hoping this’ll be better.
After the ride the bike gets a clean and put away then I get back into the studio. I have more projects and ideas swirling round my head than ever and my list of items in Things is huge!
The Tales From the Road livestream goes smoothly and Margaret’s got dinner ready when I get back to the house 🙂