A MESSAGE comes in from Martyn to see if I fancy meeting up for a walk. Cool. I suggest a time to meet after I’ve finished breakfast.
We have a good two-hour wander and put the world to rights…other than a quick five-min ute spin round the village yesterday, i haven’t been on the bike for a good seven weeks. Missing it and keen to get back out on a proper run, but a walk is better for chat!
When I get home Catriona and the kids are here…and Margaret’s made a quiche for lunch.
They all head off mid-afternoon and I spend some time in the studio doing a rough mix of the Loch Lomond demo. I’m not liking the arrangement, tho’ – we’ll see what Margaret thinks later.
I dye the prototype leather Air Tag case then go back to the house for dinner.
After we’ve eaten I help Margaret with some spreadsheets for the local community trust then finish of the Air Tag case. Pretty pleased with it. Gonna need some eyelets put in so I order some supplies…