BACK on the web stuff.
It appears several of my websites have been migrated to a new server and I think this may be what has triggered all the problems.
Access to the new server lets me do some work until I get stymied by a message saying all my file space is used up. It won’t even let me delete files!
An hour or two of online chat and telephone calls gets things sorted only for me to face another hurdle. The FTP access to the server isn’t working. All may settings are correct and turns out the hosting company has wrongly addressed some path names into the server.
I take some respite by portioning up and balling the pizza dough I made yesterday and leaving it for the final five-hour proove win trays
That’s not all tho’. I realise that neither Margaret nor myself have had any emails form any of the domains affected by this migration. We didn’t notice as we have some many email addresses and accounts that we’re overwhelmed with email anyway…but things are clearly amiss.
Back on to the hosting company – all the mailservers have changed. No one told us. Not only that, but for security reasons all old passwords have been disabled, so new password have to be set up for all the addresses and account., Fuck sake!
Once sorted, I prep for pizzas later. Martyn arrives and we drink beer and eat pizza in the garden. Fantastico!