THERE’S loads of web stuff to sort out today..and Margaret’s gone to pick up Aaron from Catriona’s…Joyce is there looking after Freya but can’t cope with two!
Before I get going in the studio I make up some leather hat patches for a wee order from Base Pizza – while they’re processing I visit the village shop to check on stock levels.
There’s also an enquiry in from a local business about stocking some of my stuff and asking about custom merch 🙂
All the kids will be here on Saturday and I;m making pizza – I want it to be good, so am trying out a new dough technique using a pre-fermented started called poolish – a bit like a biga! I make the poolish which has to sit at room temperature for an hour, then go in the fridge for 24 hours.
After lunch I manage out for a walk up the lochside then I get busy in the studio and record another demo of my re-worked version of Loch Lomond. I;d hoped a second hand microphone I;d ordered form someone on reverb would have arrived, but UPS have been playing silly bigger and returned the parcel to the seller because they (UPS) made a mistake putting my address into heir system…the label created by the seller is fine!
Ach well, it won’t do any harm to run another few demos before settling on the right approach and mix.
I spend a fair bit of time on an online chat with the web hosting company…there’s more site migrations to be done – and we conclude that it really is time to move up to a business hosting package. We put the wheels in motion…
When I go back to the house Matty, Catriona and Freya have all arrived. Once the kids are in bed and asleep I fire up some charcoal for the grill and cook the pinchitos Margaret made up earlier.